Lori Vergin
![4EverFit Sq Name L[50227]_edited.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/704650_41002574af8642f9b64919254eb54a4f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_405,h_341,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/4EverFit%20Sq%20Name%20L%5B50227%5D_edited.png)
My Story
My journey to working at 4Ever Fit began with a visit to my asthma doctor. The desire to improve the function of my lungs led to personal training with Pam Carlson (She's amazing). Personal training led to team training and group classes. As I spent more time at the studio, I found myself very impressed with both the mission of 4Ever Fit and the team that works so diligently to create impact in the lives of 4Ever Fit clients.
My professional background is in strategic marketing and operational optimization. As I began scaling back my consulting business, Tony and I began talks regarding how I may be able to help with the marketing and operation of the studio. Strategic planning and programming meetings provided insight into the training aspect of 4Ever Fit. The more I learned about training, the more interested I became in the opportunity to help others live a healthy lifestyle and work with the amazing trainers at 4Ever Fit. It wasn't long before I began the certification process. Now, most days you'll either find me on the floor training or in the conference room working on ways to enhance the experiences of our clients. And, after all these years, I still train with Pam and our original team training peeps every week.
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