Pam Carlson
![4EverFit Sq Name L[50227]_edited.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/704650_41002574af8642f9b64919254eb54a4f~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_405,h_341,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/4EverFit%20Sq%20Name%20L%5B50227%5D_edited.png)
My Story
A few years ago I joined 4Ever Fit as a personal fitness trainer. I've always been active participating in group classes and weight training. However, being active does not alone equate to health. My dad died of heart disease at the young age of 62. It was a difficult acceptance. At that point I decided that would not be my fate if I had a choice, and we all have choices. Several years ago, I came upon 4Ever Fit classes and knew immediately the “fit” was good. I've been witness to what Tony Bergman, owner of 4Ever Fit, provides his clients. His words and actions affected mine. I’ve come to know that without health and fitness, life is just that more difficult. I don't wake up anymore afraid of the day or end my day stressed, ashamed or feeling guilty because of my choices. A choice is power to the body, mind, and spirit. A new beginning starts with acceptance of the reality. We at 4Ever Fit are prepared to help you act on the possibilities.